Proper Slot Machine Etiquette
Playing slot machines? What about etiquette? Surprised? Well, I know you must be thinking about what the connection between slot machine playing and etiquette is. My opinion is, at every public place one must keep some etiquettes whether it is a hotel, restaurant, bar, pub, or a play-house since many people are gathered together at such places.
Like all the public places, casinos are also the place to keep some etiquette. If one wants to know what the proper slot machine etiquette is, here are some basic points–
Play a single machine at a time:
This is very important at a casino that is quite busy. You need to understand that like you other people have come for fun and it is their right that they should get to play. Keeping more than one machine busy is not at all good on humanitarian grounds. It is everyone’s responsibility to keep live slot etiquette.
Smoking courtesy:
If you are in a casino that allows smoking does not mean you can smoke at your will. It is general etiquette that you have to ask a nearby person if he is fine if you smoke. It is not good to smoke without his permission.
Inform that you are at a break:
If you want to take a break, ensure it is as short as possible and keep informing the attendant about your break.
Do not acquire engaged machine:
If a person has taken a break and the machine is temporarily unoccupied, show the courtesy to leave it for the person at the break. Do not possess it like it is the only one left unoccupied. Wait for your turn and maintain the etiquette of playing popular slot machines.
Respect workers at play-house:
While you are at a slot machine, you must learn to respect the workers from servers to dealers. If you are kind enough to them they will be delighted to serve you. Make it a habit to treat these people as human beings as they work hard to earn and your satisfaction.
Fellow players:
At a commonplace like a playhouse, people may have arguments over something. As far as possible try to keep it simple and straight, they have come for some fun like you are so don’t mess with everyone’s happiness. Respect your fellow players as they are also like you.
The playing slot machine is for fun so one must not get into a position of differences or arguments. The most important thing is to keep the place clean like your house as some people think it is a trash place and make a mess of it.